Raquel Rodrigues Lopes da Silva Esaguy
• Appointed as Technical Officer and Manager of Water Quality at Microbiology Laboratory of INSA, Lisbon
• Department of Environmental Health – Water and Soil Unit – Microbiology Laboratory. National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon. Water and sprays sampling for microbiological analysis, including pathogenic research;
• Conduct environmental microbiological analysis, Laboratory Accredited by IPAC, according to legislation in force
• Responsible for Legionella ssp identification and differentiation under community service, health surveillance and epidemiological investigation of cases and outbreaks by applying different techniques from molecular biology to clinical and environmental samples
• Responsible for maintaining the database and collection of Legionella strains from clinical and environmental sources.
• Uses FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) technique applied to the differentiation of microorganisms.
• 2010-2012, Developed and participated of the Project “Legionella in Water of sport centers in the municipality of Lisbon” funded by the DGS (publication in preparation).
• 2007-2010 Participated in Project Associação Bandeira Azul da Europa (ABAE). Participating agencies: Environment Institute, National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge.
• 2007-2008, Developed and participated in the Project “Legionella in Ornamental Lakes and fountains”, funded by the DGS.
• 2006 Participated in “First European Quality Control ring trial on Legionella Real-Time PCR analysis. Study based on IQ-Check Legionella spp and Legionella pneumophila quantification by Real-Time PCR “, organized by BioRad Company