William F. McCoy
The International Water Association published in 2005 the full-length book entitled Preventing Legionellosis. Published 26 patents, 3 patent applications (pending), 8 book chapters and over 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles.
Member (appointed), World Health Organization, committee to write a global guideline entitled Legionella and the Prevention of Legionellosis, Published 2007.
Board of Directors, ALDA Pharmaceuticals Corporation. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Chairman (elected), Technical Advisory Committee, Engineering Research Center, National Science Foundation, Center for Biofilm Engineering, Montana State University, 1992-1994. Directed activities of the Advisory Board, especially in strategic planning.
Chairman (appointed), Joint Task Group, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 17th ed., Section 9216, Direct Total Count by Epifluorescence Microscopy. 1990. Led the group that wrote a method that has now been adopted as a standard.
Vice-Chairman (elected), National Association of Corrosion Engineers (National Association off Corrosion Engineers). Work Group T-7A-16c: Biocide Effectiveness Monitoring in Cooling Water Systems.
Editor (invited). Member of the Board of Editors for the research and review journal International Biodeterioration covering the fields of biodeterioration control and biodegradation-biotechnology, 1989-1991.
USEPA: National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program, Registry No. 17595
CDC: Environmental Legionella Isolation Technique Evaluation (ELITE) program. Certified 1/16/09
Certified Indoor Environmentalist (CIE), Indoor Air Quality Association, 2004
Certified HACCP Manager, NSF International and Experior, 2005.